Words for a son - wisdom 17 Peace, feasting, heart purity, children, coverup, money
 2 Value of wisdom 18 Power of words and security in the Lord
 3 Remember this; trust the Lord not self 19 Integrity better than poverty; prudent wife; anger
 4 Follow my words for a safe path 20 Wine mocks; self glory; true weights; youth
 5 Discretion outside marriage, sin ag Spirit 21 Lord turns king's heart; pride; violence; nagging wife
 6 Idleness, discord and adultery 22 Good name, parenting, diligence
 7 The deceitful harlot 23 Appetite; alcoholism; honoring parents
 8 Wisdom personified; creation 24 Wisdom and character; revenge; laziness
 9 Wisdom builds her house; reproving 25 Self exaltation; words; false witness; lawsuit
10 Wisdom of Solomon; wickedness 26 Answering a fool; laziness; flattery
11 Fair measure; character; generosity 27 Tomorrow; anger; rebuke; hiding from evil
12 Instruction loved; lying lips 28 Wicked are fearful; prayer abomination; leaving sin
13 Fruit of mouth; pride; dishonesty 29 Turning away anger; authority, children, & prophecy
14 Wisdom; a way seems right 30 Words of Agur to his son; children; wisdom
15 Relationships; gentle words; thoughts, words 31 Advice for King Lemuel; A noble wife
16 Overconfidence, tact and pride -
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